Posted by : Unknown Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

The origin of the name comes from Hi (fire) Otoko (man) because the character is blowing fire with a bamboo pipe and local dialects transform it into Hyottoko (ひょっとこ). There is a similar character for women called okame (おかめ) or otafuku.


In Iwate Prefecture, there is a myth about the origin of Hyottoko. There was a boy with a very strange face that can make gold out of his belly. When there is someone who died in the house, you would put the mask of this boy at the top of the fireplace to bring good luck into the house. The name of the boy was hyoutokusu (ヒョウトクス). The name is considered one of the names that may be the original name of hyottoko. There is a similar story about the original name hyottoko but in northeastern Japan, is regarded as the god of fire.

Hyottoko appears in traditional dance Dengaku. One of the most famous hyottoko dances takes place in Miyazaki prefectureHyuga hyottoko natsumatsuri (日向ひょっとこ夏祭り). The Hyotokko dance is believed to originate in the Edo period.

Hyotoko and Okame Mask

Another appearance
  1. Hyottoko in anime and manga Rurouni Kenshin. See
  2. Hyottoko mask in Death Note Live Action. See Death-Note-L-Cosplay
  3. and 1 more in the manga Detective Conan  (I just read it today). See

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